Training, equipping and releasing revivalists in the heartland of America.

[Designed to work alongside your family/work/ministry schedule]


For the church to rise, it needs to be STRENGTHENED AND EQUIPPED. ELIM Worship Academy has been founded with the heart to do just this. It’s not just about practical growth but spiritual growth being pursued hand in hand for God’s glory.



  • JANUARY 20 2024

    • Doors Open 12:30PM

    • Session: 1pm - 3:30

    • Address: 745 April Street, Waterloo, IA


[JAN 2024 - JUNE 2024]

  • IN PERSON WORKSHOP 1: 1/20/24

  • IN PERSON WORKSH0P 2: 2/17/24

  • IN PERSON WORKSHOP 3: 3/16/24

  • IN PERSON WORKSHOP 4: 4/20/24

  • IN PERSON WORKSHOP 5: 5/18/24

  • IN PERSON WORKSHOP 6: 6/15/24

*All workshops will take place at Celebration Church in Waterloo, IA.

745 April Street, Waterloo, IA.

The goal for this academy is to strengthen and equip you as a worshipper of Jesus. There is a practical side and a spiritual side; we are going to serve you on BOTH fronts.

This academy will coincide with preparation into RETURN TO JESUS (Our Heartland-wide church gathering on 7.14.24). It will serve as a way to ‘get under the hood’ and provide mission/outreach/touring/recording/songwriting opportunities for those involved.





  • We’ve experienced 1 of 2 things. Pastors feel alone and have difficulty in getting their church family to understand that God has to be pursued together and not individualistically. Second, worship teams and worship leaders can often function in their own silo and create a culture of disunity, unintentionally. This is why we felt it would be very beneficial if Pastors or pastors in training would be engaged in this worship academy. United teams will create united churches and therefore, stronger churches. This track is primarily for someone who has been in leadership in a church or ministry for at least 2-3 months.

  • Worship leaders are constantly inundated with the pressure to have a perfect band, a perfect stream, the perfect songs and the perfect voice. The one thing you don’t hear about is being perfectly SURRENDERED to Jesus. Surrendered hearts are desperate hearts. Desperate hearts offer up pure worship. This is what we are praying the foundation of a prospective worship leader would be. This track is primarily for someone who has lead worship for at least 2-3 months in a church or youth group context.

  • While we have lyric sheets, planning center invites, chord charts and upteen websites that show you ‘how’ to learn and play songs, we need to remember each team is different. Each team has unique strengths and weaknesses, and that’s why it’s necessary to take time to learn how to best make do! Band Leaders can help the band run in the same direction and provide the guidance/support needed to EMPOWER the worship leader and/or Pastor to freely flow in the Spirit. This is a critical role that is often overlooked.

    Considering this concept may be new or unfamiliar, we are not requiring you to have any experience in this lane. We would recommend if you find yourself thinking a lot about the technicalities of music (arrangement, production, instrumentation) and are working in Audio Workstations (GarageBand, ProTools, Logic, Ableton) as a hobby, you may want to pick this lane!

  • An amazingly talented band can come across amazingly bland because of a disconnected Production Leader. After all, production could be the difference between actually hearing what’s going on, and not. The best food in a bad plate somehow won’t taste as good. Again, Production Leaders have to be synced with the Senior Pastor and Worship Leader. Production needs to highlight and help people see and hear what God is doing in the room. It’s just as intense of a role as an instrumentalist, and how it’s all executed matters deeply. We do highly encourage people who have ran sound / understand the basics of how a PA works to be in this lane. A minimum of 2-3 months of experience is required.

  • Learn the fundamentals of how to effectively play acoustic guitar for the modern worship context. Owning an acoustic guitar with basic knowledge of music is required. Experience of playing acoustic guitar in worship for 2-3 months is highly recommended.

  • Learn the fundamentals of how to effectively play electric guitar for the modern worship context. Owning an electric guitar with basic knowledge of music is required. Experience of playing electric guitar in worship for 2-3 months is highly recommended.

  • Learn the fundamentals of how to effectively play keys and run tracks for the modern worship context. Owning or having access to Keys with basic knowledge of music is required. Experience of playing Keys in worship for 2-3 months is highly recommended.

    No prior knowledge for tracks is need - we will handle the usage of tracks on a case by case basis.

  • Learn the fundamentals of how to effectively sing for the modern worship context. This track will include vocal coaching and learning how to expand your range. Experience of singing in worship for 2-3 months is highly recommended.

  • Learn the fundamentals of how to effectively play drums for the modern worship context. Owning or having access to drums or a drum pad with basic knowledge of music is required. Experience of playing drums in worship for 2-3 months is highly recommended.

  • Learn the fundamentals of how to effectively play Bass for the modern worship context. Owning or having access to a Bass or Sub Bass with basic knowledge of music is required. Experience of playing bass in worship for 2-3 months is highly recommended.

  • In today’s world, most are working in a DIGITAL audio environment. This requires you to know how to route inputs & outputs properly. It also requires you to understand how to avoid unwanted mid tones and treat a room appropriately. Monitoring is also a big factor considering most have turned over to in-ear monitor systems. This lane is geared around learning gear and becoming a master of the gear to unlock its potential for Jesus. This includes running DAWs and calibrating your church’s tech to stream higher quality streams every week. Experience running sound for 2-3 months is required for this track.

  • Screens play an increasingly critical role in modern worship. This lane is to gear people up to learn how to run ProPresenter for lyrics, media and how to be responsive to the moment just like an instrumentalist on stage would need to be. No prior knowledge of ProProsenter is required, but experiencing using Mac OS is required.






    Sunny has been leading worship for almost 20 years and deeply understands the mandate on worship leaders today: to be agents of REVIVAL. God always moves on the hearts who are DESPERATE for Him, and he is praying that this Academy is a way to invoke that desperation in worship leaders across the Heartland.

  • Pastor Ajai Prakash


    With over 17 years of experience being a local pastor and 14 years of experience planting churches in the Middle East, Pastor Ajai carries a deep heart to serve Pastors. He is earnestly calling them to inhabit the calling of being spritual fathers to a lost generation.



    Mitch has been serving the church in the context of music for 18+ years. He has always carried a passion for production and had the attention to detail to assist in making a vision reality. He has carried the producer /engineer burden for almost all of ELIM’s records right from the beginning. Simultaneously, Mitch loves theology and has a longing for lives to truly KNOW Jesus.



    Josh attended music school for 3 years at North Central University in the heart of Minneapolis, Minnesota. He has been serving the local church for the past 5 years and professionally supporting worship across the heartland simultaneously . He loves the feeling of being able to play and feel how the music flows through you, and see how the Spirit of God moves in the lives of those receiving, is something that never gets old. My desire is to see revival, not just in our world, but in those whom the Father has called to minister with music.

  • Matthew Ulrich


    Matt discovered his gift of music over 3 decades ago as a young child and has been serving the Lord with it ever since, both in staff and lay leadership in the Church as well as in the Christian music industry. He has toured and recorded with many well-known artists and bands over his career, specializing in keyboards and tracks, but his greatest passion is his wife and 3 kids. He currently serves as Music Director at Berean Baptist Church in Burnsville, Minnesota, and is honored to partner with ELIM in reaching the heartland for Christ.

  • Ish Mensah


    Ishmael Mensah has been rocking on the drums as a professional for about 6 years now. His training goes back a bit longer, basically since he was a child. He was fortunate enough to have parents who were musicians themselves and also served on our churches worship team in Ghana, Africa. Having studied, expericed, and played multiple genres of music, he will be able to teach you basic to intermediate lessons to help grow your skills by utilizing exercises from different genres to make you a well rounded drummer and musician. From there, you will be able to craft your own niche, but still be useful in many occasions.

  • Courtney Michal


    Courtney has been involved in ministry from her earliest years and discovered a passion for worship leading in high school that continued to grow throughout the next decade. She spent five years studying music and psychology, and obtained a national board certification as a Music Therapist. Courtney spent four years traveling the southeast with her college worship team. Currently Courtney serves as the Worship Leader at her local church, but her first, and favorite job, is being a momma and wife. Courtney's personal experience growing as a musician, people-pursuer and fellow sister in Christ has created a deep yearning to come alongside others, teaching and equipping them with the tools to enhance their skill(s). She believes there's a movement happening; a REVIVAL happening in the heartland. She's beyond grateful to be apart of it!

  • Matthew Morgan

    Production / Gear / Sound


Every church and every individual context is different.

We don’t want cost to come in between your opportunity to grow in your calling. If you are interested to join/attend please come to our FIRST INFO SESSION on 1/20/24 and more details will be shared around how we can make this academy work for you.

Secondly, Over the years we have learned that to truly equip and serve churches, it is best do so as a team! While you may be interested to enroll as an individual, we highly recommend the you pray about enrolling together as a church team! This experience will bring you together and allow you to sustain the growth God will impart to you through the academy.


An album featuring worship leaders in the Midwest crying for and declaring REVIVAL in their individual communities and across our region as a whole. This is a 10 song record featuring fresh takes on common worship songs already being sung across the Heartland.

GOd is not looking TO CALL the equipped.

He is looking to equip the called.